Fulfillment, Ecommerce fulfillment, Mailing, Printing, Inserting, Hand Assembly, Bagging, Label Application and Storage Services
EpiHab is a fulfillment, 3rd party logistics, 3pl, distribution, warehousing, ecommerce order fulfillment, non- profit company, that hires adults with disabilities to provide the services to our customers.
Our mission is “to provide meaningful employment for individuals with epilepsy and other challenges by performing valued work for area businesses in a safe and enjoyable environment.”
Let EPI-HAB be your “go to” resource for all your hand labor needs.
Rather than staff and train for your peak periods and emergency needs, EPI-HAB Phoenix has the available resources and the infrastructure to meet your needs.
When it’s impractical or untimely to automate, EPI-HAB can be your cost-effective solution.
When you don’t have the labor or the space for your project, EPI-HAB is the answer.
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