EPI-HAB Phoenix, Inc. reached its $60,000 donation goal with a final $6,000 “Six Decades of Service” gift to Valley Center of the Deaf (VCD), a Phoenix-based 501(c)(3) non-profit organization providing services to individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing, and deaf and blind.
EPI-HAB’s “Six Decades of Service” Celebration
To commemorate its 60 years in business, EPI-HAB announced in January it would donate a total of $60,000 to local non-profits in the coming months. To-date, “Six Decades of Service” donations have been made to Soldiers Best Friend, Sunshine Acres, Lura Turner Homes, Cops for Kids, Techie Camp, The Epilepsy Foundation of Arizona, Phoenix Children’s Hospital, Arizona Animal Welfare League & SPCA, Lions Camp Tatiyee, Ryan House and most recently, VCD.
“A great many employees (past and present), local businesses and individuals worked together to make EPI-HAB thrive and provide six decades of meaningful employment opportunities for those with epilepsy and other challenges,” said Matt Redmann, President of EPI-HAB. “To give back to our fellow non-profits, what better way to say ‘thank you’ to our customers, friends and community for supporting us since 1958?”
About EPI-HAB Phoenix, Inc.
EPI-HAB was founded in 1958 with the mission to provide meaningful employment to individuals with epilepsy by performing valued work for customers. Over the last six decades, as epilepsy seizure treatment significantly improved, EPI-HAB expanded its mission to welcome employees living with other challenges, such as hearing impairment, physical limitations and mild intellectual disabilities.
Typical work focuses on hand labor skills, with EPI-HAB often operating as a customer’s production plant and warehouse; receiving, storing and fulfilling orders. All employees are paid at or above minimum wage and have the option of a flexible work schedule.
EPI-HAB is unique in that it does not solicit donations or charitable contributions, receive any grants—government or otherwise—nor does it conduct fundraisers. It operates and competes, for the most part, as a for-profit business.
With that revenue stream, wages and benefits are paid, materials and supplies are purchased, and investments are made in capital improvements. Moreover, excess profits are donated to other not-for-profit organizations which share similar objectives.
Recognizing the challenges of its many hearing-impaired employees, EPI-HAB determined that VCD was the perfect organization to receive its final “Six Decades of Service” donation.
About Valley Center of the Deaf
VCD was established in 1978 by members of the Phoenix area deaf community to provide interpretive services to the deaf and hard of hearing. The organization now bridges the gap between the deaf culture and hearing communities by providing many services not available elsewhere:
- Orientation and Adjustment – Helping clients understand and accept their disabilities
- Orientation and Mobility Training – Teaching clients how to use public transportation and successfully communicate with people in public
- Education Support – Interpreting, program planning, deaf awareness instruction, and tutoring for deaf and hard of hearing students attending Maricopa County community colleges
- Independent Living – Teaching life skills and how to access appropriate community resources to help clients maintain their level of independence
- Vocational Evaluation – Helping clients determine and explore possible career options by evaluating job interests, aptitude, academic skills, personality, behaviors and special needs
- Community Services – Increasing clients’ access to cultural and entertainment events
Hearing loss is a low-incidence disability that is often overlooked in a larger hearing community, and those with hearing loss face formidable communication barriers. Sharing the same goals as EPI-HAB, VCD looks to empower these individuals by helping them live and work independently. VCD has provided EPI-HAB with several employees over recent years.
For more information about Valley Center of the Deaf, visit www.vcdaz.org or call (602) 267-1921.
What’s next for EPI-HAB?
“Now, as EPI-HAB reaches its goal of donating $60,000 to celebrate our 60th anniversary, we THANK all involved…our employees, our board members (present and past), and our many, many customers,” said Redmann. “With everyone working together, EPI-HAB is stronger today and poised for an even brighter future…on to 75 years!”
Looking to read more about EPI-HAB’s journey to $60K? The recipients and the purpose of the “Six Decades of Service” donations are showcased within EPI-HAB’s blog and social media pages.
To learn more about EPI-HAB’s mission and services, please visit www.epihab.org