Tag Archives: meaningful employment to individuals with epilepsy

A Look Back at EPI-HAB’s 60th Anniversary Celebration

EPI-HAB Phoenix, Inc. was founded in 1958 when a group of business and medical professionals came together to provide meaningful employment to individuals with epilepsy. As the medical industry made strides in the control of epileptic seizures, EPI-HAB (Epileptic Habitat) welcomed individuals with other challenges; hearing impairment, physical limitations, and mild mental difficulties. Through its A Look Back at EPI-HAB’s 60th Anniversary Celebration

EPI-HAB Gifts $5,000 to Child-Focused Respite and Palliative Care Facility

Donation to Ryan House is sixth in series celebrating “Six Decades of Service” Yesterday, EPI-HAB Phoenix, Inc. made a $5,000 donation to Ryan House, a child-focused respite and palliative care facility in Phoenix. To commemorate 60 years in business, EPI-HAB is donating a total of $60,000 to local nonprofits in the coming months. The organization EPI-HAB Gifts $5,000 to Child-Focused Respite and Palliative Care Facility