Tag Archives: mild intellectual disabilities

How EPI-HAB Can Accommodate Job Placement Centers with Clients Who Have Disabilities

People with disabilities face a host of employment barriers, including a lingering stigma that can foster job discrimination. They are twice as likely to be unemployed when compared to the general population, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics—yet roughly half of unemployed people with developmental disabilities say they want to work. EPI-HAB How EPI-HAB Can Accommodate Job Placement Centers with Clients Who Have Disabilities

Q&A: EPI-HAB’s New President on Priorities and Opportunities

Torrey Rogers selected to lead the Phoenix nonprofit forward EPI-HAB Phoenix, Inc. is thrilled to announce the appointment of Torrey Rogers as the organization’s new president. Rogers succeeds Matt Redmann, who retired after serving in the role for more than 13 years. Rogers, who took the helm at the beginning of the month, is new Q&A: EPI-HAB’s New President on Priorities and Opportunities

EPI-HAB Achieves $60K Giveback Goal with Valley Center of the Deaf Donation

EPI-HAB Phoenix, Inc. reached its $60,000 donation goal with a final $6,000 “Six Decades of Service” gift to Valley Center of the Deaf (VCD), a Phoenix-based 501(c)(3) non-profit organization providing services to individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing, and deaf and blind.   EPI-HAB’s “Six Decades of Service” Celebration To commemorate its 60 years EPI-HAB Achieves $60K Giveback Goal with Valley Center of the Deaf Donation

EPI-HAB Gifts $5,000 to Child-Focused Respite and Palliative Care Facility

Donation to Ryan House is sixth in series celebrating “Six Decades of Service” Yesterday, EPI-HAB Phoenix, Inc. made a $5,000 donation to Ryan House, a child-focused respite and palliative care facility in Phoenix. To commemorate 60 years in business, EPI-HAB is donating a total of $60,000 to local nonprofits in the coming months. The organization EPI-HAB Gifts $5,000 to Child-Focused Respite and Palliative Care Facility