EPI-HAB’s focus is on the ability of our employees…
not on the disability.

EPI-HAB was founded in 1958 by a group of business and medical professionals who volunteered their time and efforts to form a company “to provide employment opportunities for individuals with epilepsy.” At that time, people with epilepsy had few opportunities for meaningful employment in Phoenix.
Goverment grants and donated funds were used to start EPI-HAB Phoenix, but the goal from the beginning was for EPI-HAB to become self-sustaining for the day-to-day operations. This goal was quickly achieved and over the years, EPI-HAB has proven to be a very successful company.However, as we grow and expand the products, services and programs we offer, EpiHab seeks donations to help offset those new costs. We welcome cash donations as well as donations of specific items for specific programs. Please contact EPI-HAB for more information.
Because the health industry has made huge strides in the field of epilepsy, EPI-HAB expanded its mission “to provide meaningful employment for individuals with epilepsy and other challenges.” In doing so, EPI-HAB’s focus remains on the ability, not on the disability.
Over its 60+ years, EPI-HAB has assisted hundreds of individuals while at the same time satisfying the needs of many large and small businesses.
The first President of EPI-HAB Phoenix was Dr. John Green, and the first Vice-President Charles Barrow. Both men were instrumental in the formation of the Barrow Neurological Institute which opened a year after EPI-HAB, in 1959. EPI-HAB has maintained a relationship with the Barrow Institute and been able, on several occasions, to make donations to the Barrow Institute to help study epilepsy.
During the early years of business, EPI-HAB was primarily a wood shop. Thousands of wood boxes were built for Talley Industries. Shipping crates and computer table tops were also built for Motorola and other local companies. The business emphasis slowly changed and woodworking was phased out.
EPI-HAB has taken on all kinds of important projects; assembly of medical devices that regulate I.V. flow rates, important financial mailings, packet and kit assembly, gluing operations, shrink-wrapping and daily meter cleaning and packaging.
A relationship with the Printing Industry of Arizona was developed, and EPI-HAB began doing hand work for many area printers. Mailing services were added, and EPI-HAB began specializing in the difficult and labor intensive mailings that required people rather than machines. EPI-HAB also became a “go to” resource for individuals and businesses with small mailings that the bigger mail houses did not want.